Studying abroad in Data Analysis – Data Analytics in the UK, Australia, USA, Canada

Data Analytics is a science that explains a large amount of complex data in order to make the right decision. In the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, businesses can easily access and store large amounts of data. From that data, they expect to be able to make optimal business decisions that better meet the needs of their customers. Because of the large and complex amount of data, the demand for data analysis is increasing, job opportunities are extremely wide.

As the leading countries in technology, analysis, data processing, England, Australia, USA, Canada is the first choice to study Data Analytics. Studying here, you will have access to in-depth knowledge, practice, practical applications in the learning process, which is highly appreciated when looking for work.

Study program


  1. In the UK


Reference field:


University of Essex

University of Leicester

Lancaster University

  1. In Australia


The Australian National University

University of Southern Queensland

Curtin University

Deakin University

Federation University Australia

Studying abroad in Data Analysis

  1. In the US


Reference schools:


Northeasten University

Chicago University

Carnegie University

Texas University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  1. In Canada


Reference schools:


University of the Fraser Valley

Western University

Trent University

Douglas College

Georgian College

Entry requirements:


General requirements:


For bachelor programs: minimum IELTS 6.0

For Postgraduate program: Bachelor’s degree with minimum GPA of 2.5 and IELTS minimum of 6.5.

Career opportunities


Big data is present in almost all economic and manufacturing sectors, so this data analytics industry has been actively developing in most countries. The demand for human resources with data analysis skills is increasing, so this is a potential field of study. With a degree from UK, Australia, USA and Canada, you will be able to find work anywhere with extremely attractive salary. For example, according to’s website, the average salary of people in this field in Australia is 89,188 AUD / year.