Studying education in UK, Australia, USA, Canada

Educational Leadership and Management is a discipline that addresses issues related to management in education and training at all levels. The training program brings knowledge about the influence of society on education, regulations, policies, …


With the world’s top quality education, UK, Australia, USA, Canada are always the ideal choice for international students, especially for those who want to study Education Management.


Study program:


In general, the curriculum in countries will focus on training and improving students with leadership and management skills to guide and make education plans and policies to improve living and learning. student’s internship. In addition, students will also strengthen their skills in areas such as advising educators, managing curriculum and assessments, supporting staff development, etc. build skills to detect and solve complex problems in an ever-changing educational environment.


The courses also combine knowledge and content from many disciplines such as Technology, Architecture, Nursing, Engineering, Creative Industry, etc. to ensure the educational management work at all levels.


  1. In the UK


Reference schools:


University of Cambridge

University of Bristol

Queen’s University of Belfast

University of Southampton

Sheffield Hallam University

Newcastle University

University of Leeds

University of Manchester



University Courses: range from 11,500-18,000 GBP / year depending on the school

Master’s Course: ranges from 12,000-18,500 GBP / year depending on the school

Doctoral course: about 12,000 GBP / year depending on the school

  1. In Australia


Reference schools:


Edith Cowan University

La Trobe University

University of Technology Sydney

The University of Sydney

University of Wollongong

James Cook University

Flinders University

TAFE Queensland



Vocational Certificate Course: updated

University courses: about 28,000 AUD / year depending on the school

Graduate Certificate: about 14,400 AUD / year depending on the school

Master course: about 22,000-36,000 AUD / year depending on the school

Educational Leadership and Managemen

  1. In the US


Reference schools:


Boston University

Stanford University

New York University

George Washington University

University of Pennsylvania

University of Southern California

University of Houston

University of Wasington

George Mason University



University courses: about 22,000-36,500 USD / year depending on the school

Master course: about 15,000-39,000 USD / year depending on the school

Doctoral course: 14,500-45,000 USD / year depending on the school

  1. In Canada


Reference schools:


Weston University (Ontario)

University of Alberta

The University of British Columbia

McGill University

University of Windsor

University of Victoria

Simon Fraser University

University of Regina



University courses: about 16,000-24,000 CAD / year depending on the course

Advanced College / College Course: 10,500-14,000 CAD / year depending on the course

Master’s course: about 46,000 CAD / year depending on the course

Career opportunities


Education is always focused, placed first on all eras and worldwide. At any educational institution, it is always required that educators have good knowledge, good attitude and high professional qualifications. Capital is advanced, developed countries, education in England, Australia, USA, Canada is always appreciated. And so, studying Education Management here you will be equipped with the best knowledge, skills, high scores in the eyes of employers and job opportunities are always open to students.


After graduation, students can work in schools with positions such as principal, vice principal, homeroom teacher, … educational administrators, curriculum developers, or mentors. education policies and programs …