Studying abroad for TESOL in UK, Australia, USA


TESOL – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ​​is an international certification of advanced English teaching methods for English teachers in countries using English as a second language.


With the trend of globalization, the demand for learning and being able to use English proficiency is constantly increasing, thereby increasing the demand for high quality teachers. With TESOL, you can work wherever you need to use and train English.


Why is TESOL certificate so highly appreciated?


TESOL provides learners with highly applicable and practical methods that are not as scholarly as some teacher training programs. With TESOL training courses, students will be prepared and guided in classroom situations as well as flexible classroom organization with the interweaving and integration of language application activities in the lecture itself, It helps students to be motivated and excited to receive lectures in class as well as easily apply practical situations into real communication environment.


In general, the curriculum will include: Theoretical background on ESOL, Theory of teaching, Language acquisition, English structure / English grammar, Student assessment, Language and culture, Curriculum Design, Research Methods, …


Where to learn TESOL?


Currently, TESOL certificates are trained in many schools and facilities around the world.


However, you should choose to study in the UK, Australia and the US because these are the official English-speaking countries, so it will ensure the quality of learning as well as the practice environment for students.

Studying abroad

  1. TESOL program in the UK


TESOL programs are usually trained at the Master level, a few schools have bachelor training


– Reference schools:


University of Brighton

University of Hertfortshire (UH)

University of Sheffield Hallam (SHU)

University of Huddersfield

University Of Gloucestershire

Queen’s University of Belfast

University of Manchester

University of Cambridge

University of Oxford

University of Edinburgh

– Entry requirements:


For the Master course:


Minimum IELTS 6.5 (no skill below 6.0)

University average score of 7.0 or higher

Some schools also require at least 2 years of English teaching experience

– Tuition:


Tuition is about 12,000 – 18,000 GPA / 1 year depending on the school


  1. TESOL program in Australia


TESOL training programs are mainly at the Master level, some schools have TESOL training with Postgraduate Certificate (Graduate Certificate) and Postgraduate Degree (Graduate Diploma).


– Reference schools:


University of New South Wales

The University of Queensland

Griffith University

Monash University

Deakin University

Bond University

Edith Cowan University

La Trobe University

The University of Sydney

Flinders University

– Entry requirements:


For the Master course:


Minimum IELTS 6.5 (no skill below 6.0)

University average score of 7.0 or higher

Some schools also require experience teaching English

– Tuition:


Postgraduate certificate course (Graduate Certificate): 15,000 – 27,500 AUD / year depending on the school.

Postgraduate coursework (Graduate Diploma): 15,000 – 27,500 AUD / year depending on the school.

Master’s course (Master): 26,500 – 33,000 AUD / year depending on the school.

  1. TESOL program in the US


TESOL training programs in the US are mainly at Masters level.


– Reference schools:


Cleveland State University

Virginia Commonwealth University

Florida International University

Fairfield University

Bringhamton University

California State University

University of Arkansas

Eastern Michigan University

University of San Diego

New York University

– Entry requirements:


Minimum IELTS 6.5 (no skill below 6.0)

Graduated from university with average 7.0 or above

Some schools also require experience teaching English

– Tuition:


Tuition is about 14,000 – 36,000 USD / year depending on the school


Career opportunities


In the era of globalization, English becomes extremely necessary for each person, so the demand for English training is increasing in any country.


TESOL is recognized and widely used in 80 countries and accepted by more than 1,000 schools and language centers around the world. Therefore, after participating in TESOL courses, students firmly grasp job opportunities in any country in the world.


If you work in Vietnam, with TESOL certification, you will be greatly appreciated and expand employment opportunities with extremely attractive salary compared to other teachers. The reason is that currently, the number of English teachers in Vietnam is very large, but very few teachers have really professional, modern pedagogical methods and skills that meet the needs. learner’s demand.